Triple Glazing

Our triple glazing uses our Elite 70 and Elite 63 systems, avoiding the need for extra stockholding, but uses different beads to accommodate the extra pane.

This means that if triple glazing isn’t necessary throughout a whole property, it is still possible to have perfectly matched windows and doors. Now triple glazing could be used on a north facing aspect or for windows overlooking a noisy road, while energy-efficient Band ‘A’ rated double glazing would take advantage of passive solar gain on the southern aspects.

Our triple glazing:

  • Is capable of achieving a U-value as low as 0.8W/(m2K)
  • Suitable for casement, Tilt & Turn and Fully Reversible windows
  • Fits single & double doors and sliding patio doors
  • Effective in buildings with large expanses of glass
  • Allows greater flexibility in attaining WER ratings & U-values
  • Attains low U-value of 0.8W/(m2K) with inexpensive argon fill
  • Glazing options from 36 to 44mm
  • Avoids cold spots in highly-insulated buildings.