Good quality double glazing can be very effective. With advanced glass it’s possible to achieve a Window Energy Rating of Band ‘A+’. If you want to go further – reduce your energy bills to a minimum, and have an extremely well-insulated home then triple glazing is a good option.
Triple glazing works in the same way that double glazing does. A cavity between panes of glass, filled with an inert gas, forms an insulating layer. With triple glazing there are two insulating layers. Triple glazed windows can achieve both exceptional Window Energy Ratings and very low U-values. Typically they will incorporate energy-efficient, coated glass, warm edge spacers and be filled with an inert gas.
Spectus Triple glazing uses the same profiles as our other windows and doors. This means that you can have triple glazing in part of your home, maybe the north facing aspect, or facing onto a busy road, and your whole property can still have glazing that matches perfectly.
Opting for triple glazing isn’t the “no brainer” that some glazing companies would have you believe. There are pros and cons, but don’t worry, our network of installers will help you make the right decision for you and your home.
Spectus is a trading name of Specialist Building Products Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Epwin Group Plc. Specialist Building Products Limited is registered in England & Wales, Company Registration number: 1268689, Registered Office: Friars Gate, 1011 Stratford Road, Solihull, B90 4BN, VAT Registration No. 864 4507 10